
class angelos.portfolio.node.create.CreateNode

Bases: angelos.portfolio.policy.DocumentPolicy, angelos.portfolio.node.policy.NodePolicy, angelos.common.policy.PolicyPerformer, angelos.common.policy.PolicyMixin

Generate node document and add to private portfolio.

apply() → bool

Perform logic to create a new node with new portfolio.

current(portfolio: angelos.portfolio.collection.PrivatePortfolio, ip: Union[ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address] = None, hostname: unicode = None, role: int = 112, server: bool = False)angelos.document.domain.Node

Generate node from current device and system configuration.

perform(*args, **kwargs)

Wrapping the callable.

  • self (class) – Method owner

  • *args – Any arguments

  • **kwargs – Any keyword arguments


The result from the callable

exception angelos.portfolio.node.create.NodeCreateException

Bases: RuntimeError

DOMAIN_NOT_IN_PORTFOLIO = ('Domain not present in portfolio.', 100)